---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Irish Soda Bread/maxie Categories: Breads Yield: 1 servings 2 1/2 c Flour 2 ts Baking powder 1 ts Salt 1/2 ts Baking soda 1/4 c Margarine 1/2 c Sugar 1 Egg; beaten 1 1/2 c Buttermilk * 1 c Raisins 1/2 c Currants 1 tb Caraway seeds (optional) I would like to share with you our family's traditional Irish Bread Recipes which has always been a staple in our household. These recipes are shared by fellow Hibernians throughout the Boston area: Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and soda, set aside. Cream the margarine and sugar. Add beaten egg and buttermilk, blend well. Add liquid mixture to dry ingredients. Mix by hand only until dry ingredients are moistened. Fold in raisins, currants, and caraway seeds. Pour into greased 1-1/2 qt casserole. Brush top with melted margarine. Sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake at 375°F for 30 minutes, reduce heat to 325°F for 30 minutes longer. Test in the middle of the loaf before removing from oven. JM. (May be wrapped in aluminum foil and kept in the freezer for up to 6 months.) * If you do not have buttermilk available, you can used milk soured by vinegar. From Maxie -----