MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Indestructible Logan Bread Categories: Breads, Camping Yield: 20 Servings 2 c Water 7 c Whole wheat flour 1 c Honey 2 1/4 c Dry milk 1 tb Baking powder 1 tb Salt 1 2/3 c Brown sugar 1/2 c Molasses 1/2 c Oil 3/4 c Wheat germ 1 c Dried fruits and/or nuts - (optional) Logan bread's historical roots date back to 1950 when Gordon Herreid brought it with him on his climb to the top of Mt. Logan (19,850 feet in elevation in the southwest Yukon territory of Canada). Its main virtues are its durability and density, which makes it great for bikers and backpackers who often need a concentrated source of calories. You can soften it by dunking it in milk or hot drinks or just enjoy gnawing on it slowly. Mix all ingredients well. Put into greased 10x14" pan or deep fry pan. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes using coal fire method or in 300°F oven. Cut into 20 squares. Allow to dry and cool thoroughly, then store in plastic bags. This crunchy bread will keep for 2 weeks! Recipe by Cycle Food by Lauren Hefferon MMMMM