MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Honey-Whole Wheat Bread Categories: Bread Yield: 2 Loaves 3 c Stone ground whole wheat or -graham flour 2 ts Gluten flour 1/2 ts Diastatic malt powder 1/3 c Honey 1/4 c Shortening 1 tb Salt 2 pk Regular or quick-acting -active dry yeast 2 1/4 c Water; very warm (120° to -130°F) 3 c All-purpose or unbleached -flour; up to 4 c Butter; melted Preparation time: 3 hours Mix whole wheat flour, gluten, malt powder, honey, shortening, salt, and yeast in large bowl. Add warm water. Beat on low speed one minute, scraping bowl frequently. Beat on medium speed 1 minute, scraping bowl frequently. Stir in enough all-purpose flour, 1 cup at a time, to make dough easy to handle. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead about 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and turn greased side up. Cover and let rise in warm place 40-60 minutes or until double. Grease 2 loaf pans. Punch down dough and divide in half. Shape into two loaves. Brush loaves lightly with margarine. Cover and let rise 35-50 minutes, or until double. Place oven rack in low position so that tops of pans will be in center of oven. Heat oven to 375°F. Bake 40-45 minutes or until loaves are deep golden brown and sound hollow when tapped; remove from pans. Cool on wire rack. Notes: Second Prize, Minnesota State Fair 1996. First Place 1999. Adapted from Betty Crocker Cookbook, page 54, 7th Edition. A great recipe! Dough is easy to work with. Recipe by Barb Schaller Recipe FROM: MMMMM