MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Grandma's Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake Categories: Cakes, Fruits, Dairy, Desserts Yield: 8 servings 6 c Fresh strawberries; sliced 1/2 c Sugar 1 ts Vanilla extract MMMMM-------------------------SHORTCAKE------------------------------ 3 c A-P flour 5 tb Sugar; divided 3 ts Baking powder 1 ts Baking soda 1/2 ts Salt 3/4 c Butter; cold, in cubes 1 1/4 c Buttermilk 2 tb Heavy whipping cream MMMMM--------------------------TOPPING------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Heavy whipping cream 2 tb Sugar 1/2 ts Vanilla extract Combine strawberries with sugar and vanilla; mash slightly. Let stand at least 30 minutes, tossing occasionally. Set oven @ 400°F/205°C. For shortcakes, whisk together flour, 4 tb sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Cut in butter until crumbly. Add buttermilk; stir just until combined (do not overmix). Drop batter by 1/3 cupfuls 2" apart onto an ungreased baking sheet. Brush with 2 tb heavy cream; sprinkle with remaining 1 tb sugar. Bake until golden, 18-20 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool completely. For topping, beat heavy whipping cream until it begins to thicken. Add sugar and vanilla; beat until soft peaks form. To serve, cut shortcakes in half; top with strawberries and whipped cream. Recipe by Angela Lively, Conroe, Texas RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM