---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Create a Pan Cookies Categories: Cookies Yield: 35 servings Base: 2-1/4 c Flour 1 ts Baking soda 1/2 ts Salt 1 c Butter; softened 3/4 c Sugar 3/4 c Brown sugar; firmly packed 1 ts Vanilla 2 Eggs 6 oz Semi sweet chocolate chips Granola nut cookies: 2 c Granola cereal 1 c Raisins 1 c Walnuts; chopped Apricot cashew cookies: 2 c Granola cereal 1 c Dried apricots; chopped 1 c Dry roasted cashews; chopped Apple oatmeal cookies: 2-1/4 c Quick oats 1 c Apples; pared. diced 3/4 ts Cinnamon Carrot pineapple cookies: 1/2 ts Cinnamon 1/4 ts Allspice 1/4 ts Nutmeg 1 c Carrots; grated 8 oz Crushed pineapple; drain wel 3/4 c Wheat germ Preheat oven to 375°. In bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; set aside. In bowl, beat butter, sugars and vanilla untilc reamy. Beat in eggs. Gradually add flour mixture. Stir in chocolate chips and ingredients for whatever type cookie you want to make. Spread into ungreased 15x10" jelly roll pan. Bake 18-20 minutes. Cut into 35 bars when cooled. GRANOLA NUT: Add ingredients listed when it calls for in recipe. APRICOT CASHEW: Add ingredients listed when it calls for in recipe. APPLE OATMEAL: Decrease flour to 2 cups. Add ingredients listed when it calls for in recipe. CARROT PINEAPPLE: Increase flour to 2-3/4 cups. Add ingredients listed when it calls for in recipe. -----