---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Frosty Date Balls Categories: Cookies Yield: 2 servings 1/2 c Butter or margarine; soften 1/3 c Confectioners' sugar; sifted 1 tb Water 1 ts Vanilla 1-1/4 c All-purpose flour; sifted A dash of salt 1/2 c Walnuts; chopped Cream butter and sugar together thoroughly. Stir in water and vanilla. Add flour and salt. Mix well. Stir in dates and nuts. Roll 1-inch balls. Place 2 1/2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake in slow oven (300°F) about 20 minutes, or until cookies are set but not brown. While warm, roll in confectioner's sugar. Makes 2-1/2 dozen. -----