MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Peach Crumble Pie Categories: Pies, Pastry, Fruits Yield: 6 servings Dough for single-crust pie 1 lg Egg white; lightly beaten 6 c Fresh peaches; sliced, peeled 3/4 c A-P flour; +2 tb, divided 1/2 c Brown sugar; packed 1/3 c Sugar 1/4 c Butter; cold, cubed On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to a 1/8" thick circle; transfer to a 9" pie plate. Trim crust to 1/2" beyond rim of plate; flute edge. Brush egg white over crust; refrigerate while making filling. In a large bowl, combine peaches and 2 tb flour; toss to coat. In a small bowl, combine remaining 3/4 cup flour and sugars; cut in butter until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Sprinkle two-thirds into crust; top with peach mixture. Sprinkle with remaining crumb mixture. Bake @ 375°F/190°C for 40-45 minutes or until filling is bubbly and peaches are tender. Cover with foil during the last 15 minutes if it begins to brown too quickly. Recipe by Sally Holbrook, Pasadena, California RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM