MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Johnny Cash's Mama's Pineapple Pie Categories: Pies, Pastry, Fruits Yield: 6 servings 1 1/2 c Sugar 1/2 c Butter 1 c Crushed pineapple 3 tb Flour 1 ts Vanilla extract 2 lg Eggs 1 Unbaked pie shell THE FILLING: Soften the butter a bit, beat all ingredients together in one large bowl. Once mixed well pour the ingredients into the empty, slightly defrosted pie crust. Put the pie in a 350°F/175°C oven and set the timer for 50 minutes. Put an sheet pan on the rack below wait in anticipation. Any bubble-over or mess to clean up will be caught by the "diaper". Recipe by John R. Cash, marked Tree, Arkansas RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM