MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Rhubarb Mini Pot Pies Categories: Pastry, Fruits, Citrus, Cheese Yield: 4 mini-pies MMMMM------------------CREAM CHEESE PIE CRUST------------------------ 2 c A-P flour 2 tb Granulated white sugar 1/4 ts Baking powder 1/4 ts Kosher salt 4 1/2 oz Full-fat cream cheese; - very cold, in 1" cubes 3/4 c Unsalted butter; frozen, - in 1" cubes 3 tb Heavy cream 1 tb Apple cider vinegar MMMMM-------------------RHUBARB PIE FILLING-------------------------- 1/2 c Granulated sugar 1 md Orange; zest only, fresh 1 1/2 lb Rhubarb; trimmed, in 1/2" - pieces 1/4 c Corn starch 2 tb Orange juice; fresh squeezed 1 Vanilla bean pod MMMMM-------------------------ASSEMBLY------------------------------- 1 lg Egg 1 ts Water Demerara; or other coarse - sugar MMMMM------------------------EQUIPMENT------------------------------- A food processor 2 ZipLoc-style resealable - food storage bags - (1 ga ea) Mini cookie cutters FOR THE CREAM CHEESE PIE CRUST: Combine 2 cups A-P flour, 2 tb granulated sugar, 1/4 ts baking powder, and 1/4 ts kosher salt in the bowl of a food processor; pulse for a few seconds to mix well. Add 4-1/2 oz cream cheese and process for about 20 seconds; the mixture should resemble coarse meal. Add 3/4 cup frozen butter cubes and pulse just until none of them is larger than a pea. Add 3 tb heavy cream and 1 tb apple cider vinegar; pulse to process the mixture into pea-size pieces. Divide the mixture in half and transfer to 2 separate 1-gallon resealable plastic food storage bags. Working with one bag at a time and leaving it unsealed, knead the mixture through the bag by pressing with the heel of your hand to help the dough come together. Remove the dough from the bag and knead it lightly just until it is slightly stretchy when pulled. Flatten the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 45 minutes, preferably overnight. FOR THE RHUBARB PIE FILLING: In a medium bowl, combine 1/2 cup granulated sugar and zest from 1 medium orange by using your fingers to rub the orange zest into the granulated sugar. This will help release oils from the zest and fully infuse the sugar with orange flavor. Set aside. Add 1-1/2 pounds trimmed and sliced rhubarb, 1/4 cup corn starch, 2 tb fresh squeezed orange juice. Toss to combine ingredients until the rhubarb is coated. Use the tip of a sharp knife to slice 1 vanilla bean pod lengthwise; use the tip of a knife to scrape the vanilla beans over the fruit mixture, and toss again to combine. ASSEMBLY: Take one of the dough disks and divide into four, even pieces. Roll out each piece into a circle slightly larger than your mini pie dish (if you're using a shallow mini pie dish, the circle should be 1" to 2" larger than the dish; if you're using a deep mini pie dish, the circle should be 3" to 4" larger than the dish). These will be the base and sides of your crust. Gently nestle each circle into its own pie plate, using your hands to gently press the dough against the sides and base of the plate. Divide the filling between the four lined pie dishes. Take the remaining dough disk and roll it out to a rough, 1/4" thick slab. Use mini cookie cutters to stamp out shapes for the lid. Arrange the shapes on top of the filling. Transfer the pies to the freezer for at least 15 to 20 minutes, preferably overnight. After the pies have frozen, preheat the oven to 425°F/218°C. Place a baking sheet on the center rack of the oven. Remove the pies from the freezer. In a small ramekin, combine 1 large egg and 1 teaspoon water and whisk well to make egg wash. Brush with the egg wash using a pastry brush, and sprinkle immediately with coarse demarara sugar. Place the pies on the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes, until the pastry is beginning to set and go golden. Reduce the temperature to 350°F/175°C, and cook for a further 45 minutes or until the pastry is a deep golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool completely on a wire rack. UDD NOTES: This recipe halves very nicely. Just leave the second bag of dough in the ice box for next time. If you don't have Kosher salt handy a big pinch of regular table salt works. Also, you can use Half & Half for the "heavy" cream. If you didn't pick up an actual vanilla bean - dump in a short teaspoon of vanilla extract. Suit yourself in the shapes for the top. Or do a whole cover with vents if you like. Ot get frisky and do a lattice top. Use granulated white sugar to sprinkle if you don't stock the hoity-toity demarara sugar. I have used recycle Banquet Pot Pie contaners for this recipe. But I sucked it up and scored a pair of Anchor- Hocking 6" mini pie dishes from Amazon. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM