MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Butter Tarts Categories: Tarts Yield: 12 Tarts MMMMM---------------------------CRUST-------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Flour 1/4 ts Salt 1/4 c Butter; cold, cubed 1/4 c Shortening; cubed 1 Egg yolk 1 ts Vinegar Ice water MMMMM--------------------------FILLING------------------------------- 1/2 c Brown sugar; packed 1/2 c Corn syrup 1 Egg 2 tb Butter; softened 1 ts Vanilla 1 ts Vinegar 1 pn Salt 1/4 c Currants (approximate) 1/4 c Raisins (approximate) 1/4 c Pecans; chopped -(approximate) In a large bowl, stir flour with salt. With pastry blender or 2 knives, cut in butter and shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs with a few larger pieces. In liquid measure, whisk egg yolk with vinegar; add enough ice water to make 1/3 cup. Gradually sprinkle over flour mixture, stirring briskly with fork until pastry hold together. Press into disc; wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour. In bowl, vigorously whisk together brown sugar, corn syrup, egg, butter, vanilla, vinegar, and salt; set aside. On lightly floured surface, roll out pastry to 1/8" thickness. Using a 4" round cookie cutter cut out 12 circles, re-rolling scraps once if necessary. Fit into 2-3/4 x 1-1/4" muffin cups. Divide currants among cups. Spoon in filling until three quarters full. Bake in bottom third of 450°F oven for about 12 minutes or until filling is puffed and bubbly and pastry is golden. Let stand on rack for 1 minute. Immediately run spatula around tarts to loosen; transfer to rack and let cool. Recipe by Canadian Living Magazine (adapted) Recipe FROM: MMMMM