MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Tarte Tatin Categories: Dessert, French Yield: 6 Servings MMMMM---------------------------PASTRY-------------------------------- 2 c Flour 1 tb Sugar 2/3 c Butter; chilled, cut into -small pieces 1/2 ts Salt 6 tb Water; cold MMMMM--------------------------FILLING------------------------------- 1 c Sugar; plus extra for -whipping cream 6 Apples; peeled, quartered -and cored 6 tb Butter; melted 1 ts Ground cinnamon 1 c Whipping cream Pastry: Mix flour, sugar, butter, and salt in food processor. Add water all at once and process just until dough forms ball. Turn dough out onto wax paper and shape into disk. Wrap and chill 2 hours. Filling: Heat 1/2 c sugar in heavy ovenproof skillet over low heat until melted and caramelized. Arrange apples in concentric circles to fill skillet. Pour melted butter over apples. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 c sugar and cinnamon. Heat gently on stove a few minutes. Roll out pastry 1/4" thick. Cut to fit top of skillet, allowing enough to tuck in over apples, but do not let it touch sides of skillet. Bake tart at 350°F until apples are tender and pastry is golden, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven and invert immediately onto serving plate. Whip cream until stiff and sweeten it, if desired. Serve cream over warm tart. Recipe by LA Times, inspired by Claude Monet MMMMM