MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Almond Bear Claws (Beauty & The Beast) Categories: Pastry, Nuts, Dairy, Desserts Yield: 18 pastries 17 1/3 oz Pkg puff pastry sheets; - thawed 12 oz Can almond filling 1 Egg yolk 2 tb Water 1/3 c Sliced almonds 1 c Confectioners' sugar 1 tb Milk Set oven @ 400°F/205°C. Coat 2 baking sheets with cooking spray. Cut each pastry sheet into 9 (3") squares. Place about 2 teaspoons almond filling onto one side of square. Fold dough over and press edges to seal. Cut 4 slits about 1/2-inch apart along edge of dough. Curve pastry slightly to resemble claws and place on baking sheets. In a small bowl, whisk together egg yolk and water; brush egg mixture over pastries and sprinkle evenly with almonds. Bake 15 to 18 minutes, or until golden. Remove from baking sheets to a wire rack; cool. In a small bowl, whisk confectioners' sugar and milk until smooth. Drizzle over pastries and serve. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM