---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Creamy Caramels Categories: Candies Yield: 64 Pieces -Sue Woodward 1 c Sugar 1 c Dark corn syrup 1 c Butter; or margarine 1 cn 14-oz. sweetnd condnsd milk 1 ts Vanilla extract Line an 8" square pan with foil and butter the foil; sset aside. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a 3-qt. saucepan. Bring to a boil over med. heat, stirring constantly. Boil slowly for 4 mins. without stirring. Remove from the heat and stir in milk. Reduce heat to med-low and cook until candy thermometer reads 238° (soft ball stage), stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and stir in vanilla. Pour into prepared pan. Cool. Remove form pan and cut into 1" squares. Wrap individually in waxed paper; twist ends. Source: Marcie Wolfe; Williamsburg, PA (Taste of Home, Dec/Jan '95) -----