MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: English Toffee -- Part 1 Categories: Candies, Desserts, Nuts, Chocolate Yield: 1 1/2 lb/700 6 oz Semi-sweet chocolate chips - (170 g) 1 c Sugar (200 g) 1/2 c Slmonds; chopped (60 g) 1 ts Vanilla extract (5 mL) 1/8 ts Salt 1 c Unsalted butter (225 g) Toffee is a hard candy made mainly with sugar and butter. In America, the term "English toffee" is generally used for toffee prepared with a coating of chocolate and almonds. This recipe is easy to prepare and yields a full flavored, crunchy toffee that has just a little "stickiness" when chewed. To create toffee, we will basically heat sugar and butter until the sugar reaches the hard crack stage (300°F/150°C). If you don't allow the sugar to reach this temperature before cooling, the texture will be different. For example, if heated to the soft crack stage (the temperature range just below hard crack), the candy would be more like a butterscotch than a brittle, crunchy toffee. (In some parts of the world, this is also considered a toffee, but it's not what comes to mind when I hear the word.) If the sugar is heated beyond 320°F/160°C, then it might not retain its solid form and turn into liquid caramel over time. Select a small saucepan. Make sure the saucepan is large enough to contain about double the volume of the butter and sugar. As the mixture cooks, it will bubble and increase in volume - using too small of a pan may result in overflows. Melt the butter in the saucepan with the sugar and salt plus a little (about 2 ts, 10 mL) water over gentle heat. (Low heat is important to prevent separation later. Just be patient and let it melt together.) The extra water will make it easier for the sugar to heat evenly and melt together. Stir the mixture constantly while heating over medium-high heat. The butter and sugar will bubble and foam as the water boils off. This can take several minutes because butter contains a decent amount of water. The volume of the mixture will increase dramatically at this point. At this point the temperature should be relatively constant at a few degrees above the boiling point of water. Once the water has boiled off, the mixture will collapse and thicken. The temperature will also start to rise again. The goal is to remove the pan from the heat once the mixture passes 300°F/150°C and before it reaches 320°F/160°C. Use an instant read thermometer or candy thermometer to keep track of the temperature as you heat and stir because the temperature can change pretty rapidly once the off. CONTINUED TO PART TWO From: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM