MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Frau Moyer's Cheese Custard Categories: Dairy, Dessert, Historical Yield: 1 Custard 1 qt Milk 1/2 c Pulverized sugar 5 Eggs; separated 1 c Sweet cream 1/4 ts Grated nutmeg 1/4 c Butter; melted Pastry Pour the quart of milk into an earthen bowl, stand in a warm place and allow to thicken. When the milk is quite thick, pour boiling water over it, put into a cheese cloth bag and let drain for 12 hours. Take 1 cup of this curd or cheese, mash through a fine sieve and put into a mixing bowl. Stir in the sweet cream, sugar, beaten yolks of eggs, and melted butter; flavor with the nutmeg. Add the stiffly beaten egg whites. Line an earthen pudding dish with pastry and pour in the cheese custard and bake on the bottom of a quick oven (450°F) for 40 minutes. Serve at once. Recipe by Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book, 1936 MMMMM