MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cherries Jubilee Pavlova Categories: Fruits, Chocolate, Dairy, Booze Yield: 8 servings MMMMM--------------------------MERINGUE------------------------------- 10 Fresh egg whites 2 c Superfine or powdered sugar 4 tb Cocoa powder 1 ts Balsamic vinegar 1/8 ts Salt 4 oz Shaved bittersweet - chocolate 1/2 c Water MMMMM-----------------------CHERRY FLAMBE---------------------------- 3 c Pitted dark sweet cherries 1/2 c 80-proof rum 2 c Heavy cream 2 tb Superfine or powdered sugar 1/2 ts Vanilla 4 tb Brown sugar MERINGUE: Set oven @ 325°F/165°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Trace two 8" circles on paper, and flip paper over on sheet. In a mixing bowl, beat egg whites using an electric mixer until peaks form that curl slightly, and beat in sugar, 1/4 cup at a time, until meringue is stiff and shiny. Gently fold cocoa, vinegar, salt and chocolate into egg whites. Secure parchment to baking sheet with a dab of meringue. Mound half of meringue within 1 circle, smoothing sides and top with a spatula; repeat with second circle. Transfer meringues to oven, and decrease temperature to 300°F/150°C. Bake for 75 minutes, until meringue is crisp but has very slight give in middle. Turn oven off, and let meringues cool in oven with door ajar. CHERRY FLAMBE; Soak cherries in rum about 45 minutes. Remove 1 1/2 cups of cherries from rum, and rough chop. Set aside. Leave remaining cherries soaking in rum. In a cold mixing bowl, whip together heavy cream, sugar and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Invert 1 meringue onto a large platter; remove parchment. Slather half of whipped cream on meringue, and scatter with chopped cherries. Top with second meringue. In a large skillet off heat, stir together remaining 1 1/2 cup cherries with rum and brown sugar. Turn heat to medium, and cook until sugar dissolves. Using a wand lighter, light mixture, and let burn for a few seconds. Carefully swirl pan to distribute alcohol. When flames subside, pour mixture over top of Pavlova; add remaining whipped cream. Slice, and serve on chilled plates. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM