MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Raisin-Pear Strudel Categories: Pastry, Fruits, Desserts, Citrus, Dairy Yield: 8 Servings 1 1/2 lb Pears (3 md); peeled, diced 1/2 c Golden raisins (sultanas) * 1/2 c Pecans; chopped (optional) 3 tb Sugar 1 1/2 ts Lemon juice 3/4 ts Ground cinnamon 1/8 ts Ground cloves 1/8 ts Salt 1/3 lb Phyllo dough; thawed 6 tb Butter; melted 1/4 c Italian macaroons - (amaretti); crushed Confectioner's sugar 1/2 c Heavy cream; whipped About 2 hours before serving: Peel and dice pears. In a large bowl, toss pears with raisins, nuts (option) sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, and salt. Brush each phyllo sheet with melted butter (keep remaining sheets under damp towel until ready to use). On waxed paper arrange 1 sheet of phyllo in an 18x14" rectangle (trim or overlap to make it this size). Lay another phyllo sheet on top, continuing to brush each sheet with melted butter and on every other sheet sprinkling the crushed amaretti. Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C. Cut layered phyllo lengthwise in half, then cut each half crosswise into 4 pieces to make 8 rectangles in all (use ruler if desired to cut them even). Starting along a short side of one rectangle, spoon 1/8 of the pear mixture side, roll phyllo, jelly-roll fashion. Place roll, seam side down, on large, ungreased cookie sheet. Repeat until all rectangles and the pear mixture are used. Brush rolls with remaining melted butter. Bake rolls 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm or cool on a wire rack to serve later. To serve, sprinkle with some confectioners' sugar and top with whipped cream. * UDD Note: Soaking the raisins in a reasonable brandy overnight adds a nice extra layer of flavour. This highly optional step will depend on your tastes, the availability of the brandy, and whether you think of it in time. Recipe from: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM