MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Gado Gado Categories: Indonesian Yield: 6 Servings MMMMM---------------------------SAUCE-------------------------------- 1 c Onion; chopped 2 cl Garlic; crushed 1 c Peanut butter; good; pure -variety 1 tb Honey 1/4 ts Cayenne pepper; or more; to -taste 1 Lemon; juice of 1 ts Ginger root; freshly grated; -up to 2 ts 1 Bay leaf 1 tb Cider vinegar 3 c Water 1/2 ts Salt; up to 1 ts 1 ds Tamari 2 tb Butter for frying MMMMM----------------------------DISH--------------------------------- Fresh spinach Cabbage; shredded; steamed -or raw Carrots; sliced; steamed or -raw Celery; sliced; steamed or -raw Broccoli spears; steamed Fresh; whole green beans; -steamed Fresh; raw mung bean sprouts Tofu chunks; either raw or -sautéed in oil with sesame -seeds Egg pieces MMMMM--------------------------GARNISH------------------------------- Sesame oil drizzle Apples Lemons Oranges Raisins Toasted seeds & nuts Preparation time: approximately 1 hour Sauce: In a saucepan, cook the onions, garlic, bay leaf, and ginger in butter, lightly salted. When onion becomes translucent, add remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Simmer on lowest possible heat 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Dish: The sauce goes over an artful arrangement of combined cooked and raw vegetables. Extra protein comes from garnishes of Tofu chunks (bean curd) and hard-cooked egg slices. Base your arrangement on a bed of fresh spinach. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM