MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Pets-De-Nonne Categories: Desserts, French Yield: 1 Batch 500 ml Water 1 pn Salt 2 tb Caster sugar 5 tb Butter (65 g) 125 g Flour 3 Eggs; up to 4; depending on -size Oil; for deep frying Confectioners' sugar The fritters are ... sometimes called soupirs de nonne [nun's sighs], thought to be less disrespectful, or beignets venteux [M's note: windy fritters]. ... Make some choux pastry with water, salt, caster sugar, butter, flour, and 3 or 4 eggs. Leave the dough to rest. Heat up some oil in a deep-fat fryer to 180°C/350°F. Drop teaspoons of the dough into the hot oil; when golden brown on one side, turn them over, if necessary, to cook the other side. Drain the fritters on absorbent kitchen paper and sprinkle with icing [confectioner's] sugar. Recipe by Larousse Gastronomique MMMMM