MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Double-Nut Stuffed Figs Categories: Fruits, Nuts, Chocolate, Citrus Yield: 36 servings 36 Dried Calimyrna figs 2/3 c Pecans; fine chopped 2/3 c Walnuts; fine chopped 7 tb Agave nectar; divided 3 tb Baking cocoa 1/4 ts Ground cinnamon 1/8 ts Ground cloves 1/2 c Pomegranate juice 4 1/2 ts Lemon juice Set oven @ 350°F/175°C. Remove stems from figs. Cut an "X" in the top of each fig, about two-thirds of the way down. In a small bowl, combine pecans, walnuts, 3 tb agave nectar, cocoa, cinnamon, and cloves; spoon into figs. Arrange in a 13x9" baking dish coated with cooking spray. In a small bowl, mix pomegranate juice, lemon juice, and remaining agave nectar; drizzle over figs. Bake, covered, 20 minutes. Bake, uncovered, 8-10 minutes longer or until heated through, basting occasionally with cooking liquid. Recipe by Bob Bailey, Columbus, Ohio RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM