MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Green Chilies & Rice Categories: Chilies, Dairy, Rice, Cheese Yield: 10 Servings 4 c Rice; cooked 1 1/2 pt Dairy sour cream 8 oz Can chopped green chilies Salt & pepper 1/2 lb Monterey jack; sliced 1/2 c Cheddar; shredded In a large casserole dish, layer rice, sour cream, chilies, salt, pepper, and Monterey Jack. Repeat layers 2 more times. Omit Monterey Jack from top layer. Bake at 350°F/175°C for 20 to 25 minutes. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top for the last 5 minutes of baking. From the book "I've Got A Cook In Kalamazoo" Courtesy: Junior League of Kalamazoo, Michigan Submitted by Barbara Zack MMMMM