MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Betty's Excellent Eggplant And Zucchini Parmigiana Categories: Italian, Vegetarian Yield: 1 Batch 3 lg Eggplants 2 lg Zucchini Egg and milk mixture; for -coating vegetables slices Oil; for frying Bread crumbs Salt; to taste 1 lb Mozzarella cheese; shredded 1/2 c Parmesan cheese; grated Prepared tomato sauce Cut unpeeled eggplant and zucchini into slices about 1/4" thick. Dip eggplant into egg and milk mixture, then into bread crumbs. In a large frying pan, heat oil until very hot and fry eggplant until golden brown; drain on paper towels. Fry zucchini as is, without adding bread crumbs. In a large baking pan, place sauce on bottom of pan to cover and follow with a layer of eggplant slices, sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, zucchini, a pinch of salt, and then repeat these layers, ending with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Recipe by MMMMM