MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Parmesan-Prosciutto Mashed Potatoes Categories: Italian, Potatoes, Side dishes Yield: 4 Cups 1 1/2 lb Russet potatoes; peeled and -cubed 3 cl Garlic; peeled 2 tb Unsalted butter 2 oz Prosciutto; thinly sliced, -finely chopped 1/4 ts Dried thyme 1/2 c Skim milk; or more if needed 1/2 c Parmesan cheese; freshly -grated Freshly ground black pepper; -to taste 2 tb Parmesan cheese Preparation time: 45 minutes Cook potatoes and garlic in large pot of boiling water until potatoes are very tender, about 15 minutes. Drain; return potatoes and garlic to same pot. Meanwhile, melt butter in heavy small saucepan over medium heat. Add chopped prosciutto and thyme and sauté until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add prosciutto mixture and 3/4 cup milk to potatoes and garlic. Mash well, adding more milk by tablespoonfuls if potatoes are dry. Mix in 1/2 cup cheese. Season with pepper. (Can be prepared 6 hours ahead. Cover and chill. Stir over low heat to rewarm, adding more milk by tablespoonfuls, if desired.) Transfer potatoes to bowl. Sprinkle lightly with 2 tb cheese; serve. Recipe by Bon Appétit (Adaptation) Recipe FROM: MMMMM