Cheese Enchilada Casserole 10 3/4 oz Can cream of mushroom soup 10 oz Can mild enchilada sauce 12 Corn tortillas; up to 15 1 Onion; chopped 1 Bell pepper; chopped 8 oz Cheddar cheese; shredded In a bowl, stir together the cream of mushroom soup and the enchilada sauce. Grease a 9x13" baking pan. Tear several corn tortillas into bite-sized pieces (tear each tortilla into about 8 pieces) and line the bottom of the pan with one layer of the tortilla pieces, overlapping slightly to avoid any open spots on the bottom of the pan. Gently spread one-third of the soup-sauce mixture on top of the tortilla pieces. Sprinkle one-third of the cheese over the top of the sauce. Sprinkle one-third of the chopped onions and the chopped bell peppers over the top of the cheese. Repeat the layers two more times, for a total of three layers. Bake at 350°F until the cheese is bubbly and the onions and bell peppers on top are cooked and turning brown on the edges but not burned. (Again, I've never really timed it, about 30 minutes, maybe. Keep an eye on it as it cooks.) For freezing, I've lined the pan with foil and then greased the foil before building the casserole. Then, I cooked it for a shorter period of time, until the cheese was melted but not really bubbly. Then, I removed the pan from the oven, let it cool. Because my small family only eats half of this casserole at a time, I cut the casserole in half, packaged each half separately and then placed in the freezer. I wrapped each half-casserole in foil and then placed it in freezer bags. Once cooled, the casserole is usually easy to transfer from the pan to foil or plastic wrap with a spatula. To cook, I just place the frozen casserole in the foil in a pan and cook at 350 degrees until heated through. This casserole also reheats well in the microwave. So, you can freeze it in foil or plastic wrap, depending on how you plan to re-heat it. I've also made a larger version of this casserole by just using more ingredients and making more layers. It just took a little more cooking time. I try to make two or three at a time, as long as I'm chopping and shredding. I serve it with Spanish rice (easy version: cooked brown rice mixed with a can of stewed tomatoes, using less juice from the tomatoes if you like it less juicy, and then re-heated) and canned fat-free "refried" beans.