MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Squash Casserole Categories: Casseroles Yield: 1 Casserole 2 c Yellow crookneck squash; -sliced 1 c Parmesan cheese; grated 1 c Dry cornbread stuffing -crumbs 1 c Milk 1 sm Onion; minced 1 tb Butter; softened 2 Eggs; lightly beaten 1/2 ts Salt 1/4 ts Pepper This is another recipe I came up with after tasting this as a side-dish at a "Southern" restaurant many years ago. It's not an exact replica but the flavour is spot on. Tis the season for summer squash, at least where I live. :) Steam the squash until just tender. Combine with remaining ingredients. Place in a 1-1/2 qt casserole dish. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour until set. Note: If using prepared leftover (moist) cornbread stuffing, cut the liquid slightly. Recipe by Jill McQuown Recipe FROM: , MMMMM