MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Broccoli Casserole Categories: Casseroles, Vegetables, Cheese Yield: 3 Servings 10 oz Broccoli; thawed, chopped 1 sm Onion; chopped 4 tb Butter 1/2 c Cheddar cheese; grated 1/2 c Ritz crackers; crushed 1/2 c Cream of Mushroom Soup 1/4 c Mayonnaise House Seasoning MMMMM----------------------HOUSE SEASONING--------------------------- 1 c Kosher Salt 1/4 c Fresh ground black pepper 1/4 c Garlic powder MMMMM--------------------------TOPPING------------------------------- 1/2 c Ritz crackers; crushed 1 tb Butter; melted Set oven @ 350°F/175°C. Steam broccoli until limp, 10 minutes. Remove from heat; drain. Saute onion in butter and add to broccoli. Add cheese, crackers, soup and mayo; mix well. Pour mixture into a casserole dish. Spinkle topping over casserole and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. FROM: Paula Deen Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM