MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Crustless Potato Quiche Categories: Breakfast, Cheese, Pies, Pastry, Quiche-savo Yield: 10 servings 10 Eggs 3/4 c Skim milk 1/4 c Half and half 2 c Cheese; grated 1/2 c Onion; grated (optional) 1 c Ham; chopped (optional) 1/4 ts Salt and black pepper 2 ts Tabasco 24 oz Ore-Ida frozen O'Brien -potatoes Whisk together eggs, milk, and add rest of ingredients. Pour into two greased casserole dishes. Bake (uncovered) at 375°F for 45 minutes or until light brown. Let rest 10 minutes, then cut into squares. Per serving (excluding unknown items): 169 Calories; 12 g Fat (67% calories from fat); 12 g Protein; 2 g Carbs; 209 mg Cholesterol; 206 mg Sodium From: Date: 09-24-00 MMMMM