MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Turkey Fries Categories: Offal, Exotic, Poultry, Chilies Yield: 5 Servings 2 lb Turkey testicles; skinned 1 c A-P flour 1/4 c Medium-grind corn meal 1 ts Cayenne; more to taste Salt & fresh ground pepper Oil or lard; to deep-fry MMMMM--------------------------MARINADE------------------------------- 1/2 c Dry red wine 1/3 c Oil 1/3 c Soy sauce 1/2 md Onion; chopped 1 ts Cayenne; more to taste 1 Lime; juiced Thaw the testicles, if necessary. Put them in a bowl. Mix the marinade ingredients, pour the marinade over the testicles, and marinate the testicles for four hours in the refrigerator. Mix the flour, corn meal, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Roll each testicle in the mixture, dip it back in the marinade, and then roll it again in the flour. Heat at least 3" of oil to 350°F/175°C. Place the nuts in the oil and cook until the testicles are golden brown and tender. Don't overcook them, or they will be tough. Serve immediately. FROM: MM Format by Dave Drum - 01 December 1999 Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM