MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Paul & Jenny's Father's Baked Ziti Categories: Meats Yield: 8 Servings MMMMM-----------------ITALIAN FROM CHEF FREDDY'S---------------------- 2 lb Ground beef 1 lb Italian sausage 29 oz Jar Spaghetti sauce 1 lb Pasta shells or ziti 1 ts Italian seasoning 3/4 tb Garlic powder 12 oz Mozzerella cheese [shredded] Parmesan cheese to taste This recipe is loosely adapted from one that is prepared at the "Cherry Tree Inn" in Henderson NY by Mr. Paul Read sr. Break up and brown the meats and onion together, until just brown. Add the spaghetti sauce and simmer while the pasta is cooking. Add the spices to taste, and when the pasta is done, combine it with the meat and the cheese in a large baking dish and bake in a 350°F oven for 30 to 45 minutes. Serve with warm garlic or italian bread, and wine if you like. from Fred Goslin in Watertown NY on Cyberealm Bbs at (315)-786-1120 MMMMM