MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Fettucini Con Crema Categories: Pasta Yield: 1 Batch 1/2 c Butter (not margarine) 3 cl Garlic; minced 1/2 ts Black pepper 1/2 tb Fresh sweet basil -OR- 1/2 ts Dried sweet basil 1/2 c Flour 2 c Parmesan cheese; grated 16 oz Whipping cream 16 oz Half and half 12 oz Wide fettucini noodles; -cooked Gently heat cream and half and half in saucepan over medium heat. In large kettle, melt butter, add garlic and sauté until soft. Add flour and spices; mix well and cook until sauce starts to bubble and thicken. Add cheese in 3 sections, mixing until melted between each. Slowly add cream mixture, stirring constantly, until sauce is thick and bubbly. Toss with hot fettucini. Recipe FROM: MMMMM