---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: LASAGNA Categories: Pasta Yield: 6 servings 8 ea Sausage, sliced thin 1/4 c Olive oil 2 ea Onions, chopped 1 ea Garlic clove, minced 16 oz Tomato sauce 1 ts Salt 1 ts Red pepper 1 lb Ricotta cheese 1/2 lb Mozzarella cheese 1 c Parmesan cheese 1 ea Lasagna noodle, cooked (box 3 tb Parmesan cheese, grated Cook noodles according to directions ground beef can substitute for sausage. Heat oil and sauté garlic and onions till tender.Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil then cover and simmer over low heat 1 hour. Sauté sausage until brown. Discard fat.Mix ricotta and diced mozzarella cheese together in a bowl. Spread 1/2 cup sauce on bottom of baking pan.Arrange noodles with layer of cheese mixture, parmasen cheese, tomato sauce,and meat. Repeat proc- ess ending with layer of noodles and sauce. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 20 minutes, or until hot. -----