* Exported from MasterCook * Drying And Preserving Food Part Three Recipe By : Ya got it from Lisa Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Preserving Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- Conditioning Fruits Drying Vegetables Pretreating Vegetables Cooling & Drying Prepared Vegetables The moisture content of home dried fruit should be about 20 percent. When the fruit is taken from the dehydrator, the remaining moisture may not be distributed equally among the pieces because of their size or their location in the dehydrator. Conditioning is the process used to equalize the moisture. It reduces the risk of mold growth. To condition the fruit, take the dried fruit that has cooled and pack it loosely in plastic or glass jars. Seal the containers and let them stand for 7 to 10 days. The excess moisture in some pieces will be absorbed by the drier pieces. Shake the jars daily to separate the pieces and check the moisture condensation. If condensation develops in the jar, return the fruit to the dehydrator for more drying. After conditioning, package and store the fruit. ***** Drying Vegetables Vegetables can be preserved by drying. For vegetables, drying time is crucial to tenderness. The longer the drying time, the less flavorful and poorer the product. Drying time can be hastened by drying small, uniformly cut pieces. Because they contain less acid than fruits, vegetables are dried until they are brittle. At this stage, only 10 percent moisture remains and no microorganisms can grow. Preparing Vegetables Dry vegetables immediately after harvesting. To prepare them, wash in cool water to remove soil and chemical residues. Trim, peel, cut, slice or shred vegetables. Remove any fibrous or woody portions and core when necessary removing all decayed and bruised areas. Keep pieces uniform in size so they will dry at the same rate. A food slicer or food processor can be used. Prepare only as many vegetables as can be dried at one time. Holding vegetables, even in the refrigerator, after washing and preparation for drying will result in loss of quality and nutrients. ***** Pretreating Vegetables Blanching is a necessary step in preparing vegetables for drying. By definition, blanching is the process of heating vegetables to a temperature high enough to destroy enzymes present in the tissue. It stops the enzyme action which causes loss of color and flavor during drying and storage. It also sets the color and shortens the drying and rehydration time by relaxing the tissue walls so moisture can escape or re-enter more rapidly In water blanching, the vegetables are submerged in boiling water. In steam blanching, the vegetables are suspended above the boiling water and heated only by the steam. Water blanching usually results in a greater loss of nutrients, but it takes less time than steam blanching. Not all vegetables require blanching. Onions, green peppers and mushrooms can be dried without blanching. Water Blanching Fill a large pot two-thirds full of water, cover and bring to a rolling boil. Place the vegetables in a wire basket or a colander and submerge them in the water. Cover and blanch. If it takes longer than one minute for the water to come back to boiling, too many vegetables were added. Reduce the amount in the next batch. Steam Blanching Use a deep pot with a close-fitting lid and a wire basket, colander or sieve placed so the steam will circulate freely around the vegetables. Add water to the pot and bring to a rolling boil. Loosely place the vegetables in the basket no more than 2 inches deep. Place the basket of vegetables in the pot. Make sure the water does not come in contact with the vegetables. Cover and steam. ***** Cooling and Drying Prepared Vegetables After blanching, dip the vegetables briefly in cold water, only long enough to stop the cooking action. Do not cool them to room temperature. When they feel only slightly hot to the touch, they will be cooled to about 120°F Drain the vegetables by pouring them directly onto the drying tray held over the sink. Wipe the excess water from underneath the tray and arrange the vegetables in a single layer. Then place the tray immediately in the dehydrator or oven. The heat left in the vegetables from blanching will cause the drying process to begin more quickly. Watch the vegetVegetables should be dried until they are brittle or "crisp." Some vegetables would actually shatter if hit with a hammer. At this stage, they should contain about 10 percent moisture. Because they are so dry, they do not need conditioning like fruits. Vegetables should be dried until they are brittle or "crisp." Some vegetables would actually shatter if hit with a hammer. At this stage, they should contain about 10 percent moisture. Because they are so dry, they do not need conditioning like fruits. Compiled By Lisa Owner Fabfood Posted To Fabfood 5-15-98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -