MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: The One And Only Sticky Fingers Brownies' Recipe Categories: Californian, Chocolate, Dessert, Weird Yield: 96 Servings 8 oz Magic 1 1/4 lb Nutter 16 Eggs 6 c Sugar 3 c Flour 3 tb Baking powder 4 ts Salt 1 lb Unsweetened chocolate Magic, where legal, is oven-dried, powdered, sifted California-grown sinsemilla leaf. Note: chaff may be used later for grass oil. Melt butter in a double boiler and stir in the Magic. This is the ghee. Combine eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Slowly melt chocolate in another double boiler. When the ghee has cooked 30 minutes, add flour, baking powder, and salt to the eggs and sugar. Then add the ghee and the chocolate. Pour into four 9x12" greased baking pans. Bake at 400°F, patting down the batter several times with a spatula to keep it from rising. When the brownies are solid but still very moist, remove from oven and cover with a towel to keep moisture in. When cool, cut into 2x2" squares. You will note that there is some fuzzy math involved, either that or about 11% leeway for edges and crumbs for the cook. Recipe by Meridy Volz via Alia Volz via Bon App MMMMM