MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chocolate Pretzel Treats Categories: Five, Breads, Candy, Chocolate Yield: 40 Servings 15 oz Pkg small pretzel twists 8 oz Pkg Hershey's Kisses; - unwrapped 1 2/3 oz Pkg Plain M & M's Set oven @ 175°F/80°C. Arrange pretzels on a baking sheet. Place a candy kiss on the center of each pretzel. Warm pretzels in the preheated oven until candy kiss is shiny and slightly softened, 2 minutes. Place a candy-coated chocolate piece atop the candy kiss on each pretzel; press down. Chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Recipe by L. C. Doyle RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM