MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Bacon Wrapped Turkey Spiedini Categories: Appetisers, Poultry, Pork, Cheese, Herbs Yield: 28 Servings MMMMM--------------------------FILLING------------------------------- 1 c Gluten Free bread crumbs 1 cl Garlic; minced 2 ts Dry parsley 3 tb Pecorino Romano cheese; - grated 6 tb Olive oil Salt & pepper MMMMM--------------------------SPIEDINI------------------------------- 3 lg Turkey breasts 12 sl Gluten free bacon; in 3rds 20 Bay leaves 6 Wooden skewers (6") Set the oven @ 350°F/175°C. Mix the filling ingredients together until they resemble slightly damp sand. Set aside. Butterfly the turkey breasts and pound with a mallet to about 1/8" thick or less. TIP: place the turkey in a large Ziploc or between two sheets of heavy plastic wrap before pounding with a wooden mallet. Slice the flattened turkey into 2 to 2-1/4" strips then in half. Each piece should be about 2-1/4 x 3-1/2". This is an ideal size but will vary slightly--you want the turkey rolls as uniform as you can get them. Place a small spoonful of the breadcrumb mixture down the center of each turkey strip. Roll it up and wrap it in a piece of bacon. Slide the turkey roll on one of the skewers. Repeat-with a bay leaf (or half a leaf) between each turkey roll. Place about 4 rolls on a skewer. The finished skewers then go in a baking pan and then in the oven for about 45-55 minutes. They're done when the bacon is nicely browned and crispy. Serve immediately. From: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM