MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.07 Title: Quick Fruit Leathers Categories: Snacks Servings: 6 QUANTITY MEASURE INGREDIENT 3 Fresh peaches, nectarines, -pears OR 6 Plums 4-1/2 ts Sugar Plastic wrap for microwave Servings: 6 or 7 fruit leathers DIRECTIONS In blender or food processor, blend fruit and sugar until smooth. Pour fruit purée into micorwave-safe bowl and cook on high 8-10 minutes, or until purée is reduced by about half. Lay a piece of microwave safe plastic wrap on a 10 inch microwave safe plate. Evenly spread 1/4 c. fruit mixture to a 6-1/2" diameter circle. Make sure edges are not too thin or they will scorch. Elevate plate on to of inverted (upside down) microwave safe saucer. Microwave at medium (50 %) power about 5 minutes or until leather is no longer sticky in center. If more cooking time is needed, cook at medium in 25 second increments, watching closely so that leather does not burn. Carefully place plastic wrap with fruit leather on wire rack to cool. Let stand at room temperature overnight to dry. Repeat with remaining fruit purée. Roll up leathers in plastic wrap. Store at room temp up to a week. SUNSHINE METHOD: Follow directions above through cooking fruit purée in microwave. Let cool. On plastic wrapped trays or cookie sheets, spread fruit into 6-1/2" circle or rectangle 1/4" thick. Cover Pans with cheesecloth. Place pans in direct sunlight for 12-24 hours until dry. Fruit leather is done when edges pull back from plastic and center is no longer sticky. Courtesy Of: Joann Pierce MMMMM