MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Dirty Dave's Chilli Popcorn Categories: Five, Snacks Yield: 1 Batch 1/4 c Chilli oil/grease * 1 c Unpopped popcorn Salt * The orange oil you spoon off of your chilli that is excess to the needs of a good bowl of red. Save it in the icebox until needed. When it has cooled/ set up it's "grease". Bv)= Melt the chilli oil in the popping vessel. ** When the grease is hot enough (350°F/175°C or more) add the unpopped kernels of popcorn. Shake pan occasionally to prevent sticking and burning. When popping has stopped pour into a bowl or paper bag, add salt to taste and enjoy! ** NOTE: air poppers will not work for this. A 'Stir- Crazy' popper works well - and you don't have to shake the pan. Have plenty of napkins handy. That orange chilli-flavored popcorn will stain your shirt or pants if you wipe your fingers on them. If you made HOT chilli - you will have very spicy popcorn. If you made a milder batch of chilli you will have nicely chilli-flavoured popcorn with a moderate bite. An Uncle Dirty Dave Original MMMMM