MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Hires Home-Brewed Root Beer Categories: Five, Beverages Yield: 50 bottles 3 oz Hires extract 4 lb White sugar 4 3/4 ga Water 1/2 ts Yeast 1 pt Warm water Pour extract over 4 lb of sugar. Mix well. (Vary amounts of sugar and extract to taste). Dissolve mixture in 4 3/4 gallons of lukewarm water. Mix 1/2 ts of dry active yeast in a pint of lukewarm water. Allow to stand 5 minutes. Stir well and strain through cheesecloth. In cool weather (under 70°F) double the amount of yeast used. In hot weather (over 90°F) cut the amount in half. Add the yeast mixture to the solution of sugar, extract, and water. Mix well and pour into sterilized bottles immediately. Fill bottles to within 1/2 inch of the top to minimize spoilage caused by excess air. Cork bottles securely or seal with crown or stopper. Place bottles on their sides in warm place (70-80°F) until effervescent. (If set in a cool place immediately the beverage will sour and remain flat.) The product should be ready to drink in about 5 days (longer in cooler weather.) Move the bottles to a cool place. Refrigerate just before drinking. The beverage will have a slight yeast flavor and contain some sediment. Do not filter. For best results - use only returnable type carbonated beverage bottles. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM