MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cranberry Carmelized Red Onion Orange Chutney Categories: Chutneys Yield: 2 1/2 cups 4 ts Oil 1 lg Red onion; chopped 1 1/2 c Cranberries; up to 2 c 1 Apple; minced 1 Orange; zest & juice of 1 tb Fresh ginger; minced 2 cl Garlic; crushed 1 pn Whole mustard seed 1/4 ts Cinnamon; (optional) 1/8 ts Coriander; up to 1/4 ts 1/8 ts Cloves 1/8 ts Allspice 1/2 ts Coarse salt 1/2 c Vinegar; blend multiple -varieties as desired 1/3 c Brown sugar Heat oil in pan. Sauté onion and ginger. After onions soften, add garlic. After garlic starts to soften, add apple and mustard seeds. Add cranberries and continue to cook until they're softened and starting to burst open. Add vinegar and sugar. Heat until everything is well combined and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Add juice and zest and cook for another 20 to 30 minutes to reduce the liquid. Recipe by Barb Chamberlain Recipe FROM: MMMMM