MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Rainbow Keto Chia Pudding Categories: Breakfast, Internation Yield: 4 Servings 2 c Almond milk 1/2 c Chia seeds Matcha tea powder (green) Wild blueberries (blue) Red currant (red) Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Learn How to Make Rainbow Keto Chia Pudding in a few minutes that will brighten up every single table for either Breakfast, Potluck, or a Party. This fully Low Carb, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, and Diabetic Friendly Keto Chia Seed Pudding is super Nutritious and the best fit for Meal Prep Ideas. Prepare all of the ingredients, in our case, almond milk and chia seeds. If you plan to make colorful chia pudding, prepare berries of your choice.  Prepare Basic Chia Pudding: Using our chia pudding ratio of 3 tb of chia seeds to 1 c of almond milk, place it all into the bowl and mix. After about 10 minutes, remix it as some of the chia seeds might accumulate together and form thick uneven balls.  Cooking Your Berries: For making our rainbow palette, pick your chosen berries and bring them to boil. Cook them on medium heat, ensuring most of the water evaporates, and you have thick consistency left. Coloring With Sauce: Pour your cooked berry sauce each separately into a glass jar through the sieve to get rid of all the skin and seeds from the berries. Depending on the number of colors you have chosen, split your white base chia pudding into glass jars and fill each with the berry sauce selected. Mix until the sauce is incorporated into the pudding and forms a beautiful color.  Layering: To start layering, pick your colors and, one by one, start layering your colored chia pudding into the serving glasses. Decorating: Once your glass is layered with chia pudding, you can decorate it with berries or chosen toppings I have mentioned above.  Recipe by Zuzana Paar Recipe FROM: MMMMM