MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Sauce Categories: Chilies, Vegetables, Sauces Yield: 1 1/2 cups 8 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion - peppers 1 c Vinegar; your choice (235mL) 1/2 c Olive oil (120mL) Salt; plain or fancy 2 cl Garlic; crushed 1/4 Onion; fine chopped Stem the peppers. Leave the seeds. Spray the peppers lightly with spray butter. Poke holes in the body of the peppers using a pin-sized needle. Optionally slice them or cut them in halves Saute garlic and onion in oil until they are lightly charred or transparent. Transfer to a container and pat them dry from oil. Add salt to taste. Set the oven @ 300°F/150°C. Roast the peppers for until lightly charred (about 15 minutes). Keep windows open and continue to protect yourself from fumes. Add all ingredients to your food processor or blender and whiz until you reach the texture (chunky, crushed) that you want. Drain out any extra liquid. If you want a very chunky sauce that you can scoop out, leave the pulp. Let the flavors combine. UDD NOTE: I've only made this once. That was enough as a little bit of this goes a looooong way. I much prefer my Yaaaaahhhhh Hoooooooo Aaaaahhhh Hot Sauce (separate recipe) RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM