MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Zippy Cheese Sauce Categories: Sauces Yield: 4 Cups 3 tb Flour 3 tb Butter 1/2 c Onion; minced 1 Clove garlic; crushed 1 tb Butter 2 c Milk; warmed 1 c Grated cheese; packed, your -favorite 1 tb Dry white wine 1/2 ts Dry mustard 1/2 ts Prepared horseradish A few shakes tabasco sauce Sautée onion and garlic in 1 tb butter with a dash of salt. Melt 3 tb butter in saucepan. Whisk in flour (whole wheat pastry flour may be used. It'll give a heartier flavor.) and cook whisking for 2 minutes. Whisk in warmed milk; lower heat, and continue to stir frequently as it cooks until smooth and thick. It's best to cook sauce either in a double boiler or with a heat-absorbent pad under the pot. Add remaining ingredients. Serve very hot. Very good when served over steamed vegetables or omelettes. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM