---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: TEXOMA TAMALES Categories: Tex-mex, Chili Yield: 4 servings 1/3 c Lard 2 c Masa harina or cornmeal 1 ts Salt 1/2 ts Baking powder 1 1/2 c Chicken broth 2 c Texas red or original san an Fat grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: 1 hr Beat lard until light and creamy. Mix dry ingredients and beat into lard, a small anount at a time. Beat in chicken broth to make a light soft dough. Spread half of dough in bottum of a greased 10x7x1 1/2 inch baking pan. Spoon chili over the dough. Carefully spread remaining dough over the chili. Bake in 350°F. oven for 45 minutes. Cut crosswise into 8 tamale shapes. Makes 4 servings. From "Famous Chili Recipes From Marlboro Country". -----