---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Fowl Gumbo Categories: Game, Gumbos & st, Poultry Yield: 1 servings 1 lg Bell pepper -- diced 3 Green onions -- diced 3 Celery stalks -- diced 1 lg Can tomatoes 1 cn Tomato paste 1/8 ts Garlic salt 1 ts Red pepper 4 c Okra -- cut up 1 Chicken Gumbo filé Boil fowl until tender. Debone and cut into small pieces. Reserve broth. Add bell pepper, onions, celery, tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic salt, red pepper and okra to broth. Boil until vegetables are tender. Add chicken. Make 3 cups of thick brown gravy and add this to above cooked mixture. Salt to taste. Just prior to serving, add enough filé until mixture is slightly ropy. Serve hot on rice or corn bread. From: owner-Mm-Recipes@idiscover.Net O -----