Yehoshua HaMoshiach, Adonai, ben YeHoVaH in the glory of His splendor, rose from the dead in the flesh. Blessed is He, who comes in the name of Adonai YeHoVaH. "Give no thought to the morrow, for tomorrow will give thought to itself. Sufficient to each day is the trouble thereof." -Yehoshua 13-2028 ------- Only as per mathematical calculations, and reports and interpreting by faulty humankind, according to one among diversely held standards; in these being only supposing; and only from perspective at hand, which is not universal: In the 2,028th sun cycle from that containing Yom Teruah 5 B.C, with its 1st month calculated at the presence of the first new moon during which barley had ripened around Yerushalayim, that solar cycle; the first full, nightfall-to-nightfall day subsequent to the specific nightfall-to-sunrise night containing the least moon illumination immediately resulting from the passing of the instance of the dark moon at 5:00 a.m. EDT, 10th Mar 2024 A.D, the first day of the 13th lunar month begins nightfall, 10th Apr 2024 A.D; with the last and 30th day of the 13th lunar month ending nightfall, 9th Apr 2024 A.D.