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       # 2017-03-21 - Wise Democracy Pattern Language
 (IMG) Hope blossoming
       "You probably love real democracy wherever you can find it, as do we.
       And like us, you also probably believe it still needs a lot of work.
       So we imagine you appreciating a resource that will help people
       everywhere envision and co-create a deeply participatory culture that
       supports a thriving and healthy world long into the future.
       So I'm happy to announce that the Co-Intelligence Institute is today
       launching a substantial (yet built to evolve) database of wise
       democracy guidelines, real-life examples, and accessible resources to
       help us all understand, re-imagine and transform the ways we
       co-create our shared world.
       You can be one of the first to see and use this novel resource. And
       as you explore its tropical beauty and richness - and delve into the
       pattern language that underlies it - you may choose to become one of
       its ongoing co-creators, sharing insights and experiences that evolve
       it into an ever-more-powerful participatory tool to wisely address
       the challenges ahead"
 (HTM) http://www.wd-pl.com/
       tags: article,pattern language,philosophy
       # Tags
 (DIR) article
 (DIR) pattern language
 (DIR) philosophy