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       # 2019-04-23 - Bear Creek by Ben Collver
       Middle Coquille she knew me well before when i could speak.
       Along her side the children hide and play them find and seek.
       On their way to grandparent's house they stop to dip their toes.
       Around boulders in fairyland the river of time she flows.
       Once spanned her girth a footbridge where now noone recalls nor knows.
       Remembered Earth a deeper truth, the strength of the soft and weak.
       Pay mine respects to the beautiful neck of the woods near old bear creek.
       Land of cedar, myrtle, and madrone.
       Neither far there nor near to my home.
       Land of lamprey and lizards on stone.
       To these places my heart goes alone.
       tags: bencollver,outdoor,poem
       # Tags
 (DIR) bencollver
 (DIR) outdoor
 (DIR) poem