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       # 2022-07-14 - The Future of the Internet by Jonathan Zittrain
       This book is more about the history of the Internet than its future.
       I love that this book uses plain English to tell a compelling
       narrative.  Since history is cyclical, the patterns described can
       inform the readers about the future.
       The history told in this book helps remind me why i was so enamored
       with the early Internet, and gives me a more positive way to frame my
       career than "I got caught up in the tech bubble glamor and traded my
       health and well-being for money."
 (HTM) Internet history
       The author frequently uses the phrase "generativity" to mean
       openness.  I think "creativity" would have worked well enough for me,
       in contrast to consumerism.  But the author wanted to emphasize the
       disruptive and inclusive nature of generativity.
       Regarding the problem of lockdown and regulation, i think that boat
       has already sailed.  While i laud the author for discussing potential
       solutions and strategies, i think it is too late for them to succeed.
       # Preface to the Paperback Edition
       [The author compares the origins of the PC and the Internet to Wiley
       E.  Coyote because of the love of amateur tinkering.]
       The first reaction to abuses of openness is to try to lock things
       down.  One model for lockdown can be drawn from our familiar
       appliances...  ...we've seen glimpses of that model in communications
       platforms like iPods, most video game consoles, e-book readers like
       the Amazon Kindle, and cable company set-top boxes.
       But there's another model for lockdown that's much more subtle, and
       that takes, well, a book to unpack.  This new model exploits
       near-ubiquitous network connectivity to let vendors change and
       monitor their technologies long after they've left the factory--or to
       let them bring us, the users, to them, as more and more of our
       activities shift away from our own devices and into the Internet's
       This model is likely the future of computing and networking, and it
       is no minor tweak.  It's a wholesale revision to the Internet and PC
       environment we've experienced for the past thirty years.  The
       serendipity of outside tinkering that has marked that generative era
       gave us the Web, instant messaging, peer-to-peer networking, Skype,
       Wikipedia--all ideas out of left field.  Now it is disappearing,
       leaving a handful of new gatekeepers in place, with us and them
       prisoner to their limited business plans and to regulators who fear
       things that are new and disruptive.
       # Introduction
       Though these two inventions--iPhone and Apple II--were launched by
       the same man, the revolutions that they inaugurated are radically
       different.  For the technology that each inaugurated is radically
       different.  The Apple II was quintessentially generative technology.
       It was a platform.  It invited people to tinker with it. ... The
       Apple II was designed for surprises--some very good (VisiCalc), and
       some not so good (the inevitable and frequent computer crashes).
       The iPhone is the opposite.  It is sterile.  Rather than a platform
       that invites innovation, the iPhone comes preprogrammed.
       Viruses, spam, identity theft, crashes: all of these were the
       consequences of a certain freedom built into the generative PC.  As
       these problems grow worse, for many the promise of security is enough
       reason to give up that freedom.
       The PC revolution was launched with PCs that invited innovation by
       others.  So too with the Internet.  Both were generative: they were
       designed to accept any contribution that followed a basic set of
       rules...  But the future unfolding right now is very different from
       this past.  The future is not one of generative PCs attached to a
       generative network.  It is instead one of sterile appliances tethered
       to a network of control.
       But along with the rise of information appliances that package those
       useful activities without readily allowing new ones, there is the
       increasing lockdown of the PC itself.  PCs may not be competing with
       information appliances so much as they are becoming them.
       In turn, that lockdown opens the door to new forms of regulatory
       surveillance and control.
       A lockdown on PCs and a corresponding rise of tethered appliances
       will eliminate what today we take for granted: a world where
       mainstream technology can be influenced, even revolutionized, out of
       left field.
       # Part 1, The Rise and Stall of the Generative Net
       Today's Internet is not the only way to build a network.  In the
       1990s, the Internet passed unnoticed in mainstream circles while
       networks were deployed by competing proprietary barons such as AOL,
       CompuServe, and Prodigy.  ...  The proprietary networks went extinct,
       despite having accumulated millions of subscribers.  They were
       crushed by a network built by government researchers and computer
       scientists who had no CEO, no master business plan, no paying
       subscribers, no investment in content, and no financial interest in
       accumulating subscribers.
       The framers of the Internet did not design their network with visions
       of mainstream dominance.  Instead, the very unexpectedness of its
       success was a critical ingredient.  The Internet was able to develop
       quietly and organically for years before it became widely known,
       remaining outside the notice of those who would have insisted on more
       cautious strictures had they only suspected how ubiquitous it would
       # Chapter 1, Battle of the Boxes
       The Hollerith model is one of powerful, general-purpose machines
       maintained continuously and exclusively by a vendor.  The appliance
       model is one of predictable and easy-to-use specialized machines that
       require little or no maintenance.  Both have virtues.  ...  Neither
       the Hollerith machine nor the appliance can be easily reprogrammed by
       their users or by third parties, and, as later chapters will explain,
       "generativity" was thus not one of their features.
       The story of the PC versus the information appliance is the first in
       a recurring pattern.  The pattern begins with a generative platform
       that invites contributions from anyone who cares to make them.  The
       contributions start among amateurs, who participate more for fun and
       whimsy than for profit.  Their work, previously unnoticed in the
       mainstream, begins to catch on, and the power of the market kicks in
       to regularize their innovations and deploy them in markets far larger
       than the amateurs' domains.  Finally, the generative features that
       invite contribution and that worked so well to propel the first stage
       of innovation begin to invite trouble and reconsideration, as the
       power of openness to third-party contribution destabilizes its first
       set of gains.
       # Chapter 2, Battle of the Networks
       In early twentieth-century America, AT&T controlled not only the
       telephone network, but also the devices attached to it.  People
       rented their phones from AT&T, and the company prohibited them from
       making any modifications to the phones.
       The first online services built on top of AT&T's phone network were
       natural extensions of the 1960s IBM-model minicomputer usage within
       businesses: one centrally managed machine to which employees' dumb
       terminals connected.
       Even before PC owners had an opportunity to connect to the Internet,
       they had an alternative to paying for appliancized proprietary
       networks.  Several people wrote BBS ("bulletin board system")
       software that could turn any PC into its own information service.
       Lacking ready arrangements with institutional content providers like
       the Associated Press, computers running BBS software largely depended
       on their callers to provide information as well as to consume it.
       ...  But they were limited by the physical properties and business
       model of the phone system that carried their data.
       PC generativity provided a way to ameliorate some of these
       limitations.   A PC owner named Tom Jennings wrote FIDOnet in the
       spring of 1984.
       Those with Jennings's urge to code soon had an alternative outlet,
       one that even the proprietary networks did not foresee as a threat
       until far too late: the Internet, which appeared to combine the
       reliability of the pay networks with the ethos and flexibility of
       user-written FIDOnet.
       The Internet's design reflects the situation and outlook of the
       Internet's framers: they were primarily academic researchers and
       moonlighting corporate engineers who commanded no vast resources to
       implement a global network.
       The design of the Internet reflected not only the financial
       constraints of its creators, but also their motives.  They had little
       concern for controlling the network or its users' behavior.  The
       network's design was publicly available and freely shared from the
       earliest moments of its development.  ...  The motto among them was,
       "We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.  We believe in: rough
       consensus and running code."
       The Internet was so different in character and audience from the
       proprietary networks that few even saw them as competing with one
       The resulting Internet was a network that no one in particular owned
       and that anyone could join.
       ...  Internet design, like its generative PC counterpart, tilted
       toward the simple and basic.  The simple design that the Internet's
       framers settled upon makes sense only with a set of principles that
       go beyond mere engineering.  The most important are what we might
       label the procrastination principle and the trust-your-neighbor
       The procrastination principle rests on the assumption that most
       problems confronting a network can be solved later or by others.  It
       says that the network should not be designed to do anything that can
       be taken care of by its users.
       The network's simplicity meant that many features found in other
       networks to keep them secure from fools and knaves would be absent.
       ...  the assumption that network participants can be trusted, and
       indeed that they will be participants rather than customers, infuses
       the Internet's design at nearly every level.
       This basic design omission has led to the well-documented headaches
       of identifying wrongdoers online, from those who swap copyrighted
       content to hackers who attack the network itself.
       The assumptions made by the Internet's framers and embedded in the
       network--that most problems could be solved later and by others, and
       that those others themselves would be interested in solving rather
       than creating problems--arose naturally within the research
       environment that gave birth to the Internet.
       But the network managed an astonishing leap as it continued to work
       when expanded into the general populace, one which did not share the
       worldview that informed the engineers' designs.  Indeed, it not only
       continued to work, but experienced spectacular growth in the uses to
       which it was put.
       # Chapter 3, Cybersecurity and the Generative Dilemma
       The university workstations of 1988 were generative: their users
       could write new code for them or install code written by others.  The
       Morris worm was the first large-scale demonstration of a
       vulnerability of generativity: even in the custody of trained
       administrators, such machines could be commandeered and reprogrammed,
       and, if done skillfully, their users would probably not even notice.
       As a postmortem to the Morris worm incident, the Internet Engineering
       Task Force, the far-flung, unincorporated group of engineers who work
       on Internet standards and who have defined its protocols through a
       series of formal "request for comments" documents, or RFCs, published
       informational RFC 1135, titled "The Helminthiasis of the Internet."
       RFC 1135 was titled and written with whimsy, echoing reminiscences of
       the worm as a fun challenge.   The RFC celebrated that the original
       "old boy" network of "UNIX system wizards" was still alive and well
       despite the growth of the Internet: teams at university research
       centers put their heads together--on conference calls as well as over
       the Internet--to solve the problem.  After describing the technical
       details of the worm, the document articulated the need to instill and
       enforce ethical standards as new people (mostly young computer
       scientists like Morris) signed on to the Internet.
 (TXT) RFC 1135
       Urging users to patch their systems and asking hackers to behave more
       maturely might, in retrospect, seem naïve.  To understand why these
       were the only concrete steps taken to prevent another worm
       incident--even a catastrophically destructive one--one must
       understand just how deeply computing architectures, both then and
       now, are geared toward flexibility rather than security, and how
       truly costly it would be to retool them.
       Generative systems are built on the notion that they are never fully
       complete, that they have many uses yet to be conceived of, and that
       the public can be trusted to invent and share good uses.  Multiplying
       breaches of that trust can threaten the very foundations of the
       generative system.  
       The burgeoning gray zone of software explains why the most common
       responses to the security problem cannot solve it.  ...the
       fundamental problem is that the point of a PC--regardless of its
       OS--is that its users can easily reconfigure it to run new software
       from anywhere.
       The Internet Engineering Task Force's RFC 1135 on the Morris worm
       closed with a section titled "Security Considerations."  This section
       is the place in a standards document for a digital environmental
       impact statement--a survey of possible security problems that could
       arise from deployment of the standard.  RFC 1135's security
       considerations section was one sentence: "If security considerations
       had not been so widely ignored in the Internet, this memo would not
       have been possible."
       What does that sentence mean?  ...if the Internet had been designed
       with security as its centerpiece, it would never have achieved the
       kind of success it was enjoying, even as early as 1988.
       # Part 2, After the Stall
       Our information technology ecosystem functions best with generative
       technology at its core.  A mainstream dominated by non-generative
       systems will harm innovation as well as some important individual
       freedoms and opportunities for self-expression.  However, generative
       and non-generative models are not mutually exclusive.  They can
       compete and intertwine within a single system.
       # Chapter 4, The Generative Pattern
       Generativity is a system's capacity to produce unanticipated change
       through unfiltered contributions from broad and varied audiences.
       What makes something generative?  There are five principal factors at
       * Leverage: The more a system can do, the more capable it is of
         producing change.
       * Adaptability: [Technology that] can be endlessly diverted to new
         tasks not counted on by...  original makers.
       * Ease of mastery: The more useful a technology is to both the
         neophyte and to the expert, the more generative it is.
       * Accessibility: The easier it is to obtain access to the
         technology, along with the tools and information necessary to
         achieve mastery of it, the more generative it is.
       * Transferability: How easily changes in the technology can be
         conveyed to others.
       Generative tools are not inherently better than their non-generative
       ("sterile") counterparts.
       The more that the five qualities are maximized, the easier it is for
       a system or platform to welcome contributions from outsiders as well
       as insiders.
       Generative systems facilitate change.
       Generativity's benefits can be grouped more formally as at least two
       distinct goods, one deriving from unanticipated change, and the other
       from inclusion of large and varied audiences.  The first good is its
       innovative output: new things that improve people's lives.  The
       second good is its participatory input, based on a belief that a life
       well lived is one in which there is opportunity to connect to other
       people, to work with them, and to express one's own individuality
       through creative endeavors.
       Non-generative systems can grow and evolve, but their growth is
       channeled through their makers...
       If one values innovation, it might be useful to try to figure out how
       much disruptive innovation remains in a particular field or
       technology.  For mature technologies, perhaps generativity is not as
       important: the remaining leaps, such as that which allows transistors
       to be placed closer and closer together on a chip over time without
       fundamentally changing the things the chip can do, will come from
       exploitative innovation or will necessitate well-funded research
       through institutional channels.
       It may well be that, in the absence of broad-based technological
       accessibility, there would eventually have been the level of
       invention currently witnessed in the PC and on the Internet.  Maybe
       AT&T would have invented the answering machine on its own, and maybe
       AOL or CompuServe would have agreed to hyperlink to one another's
       walled gardens.  But the hints we have suggest otherwise:
       less-generative counterparts to the PC and the Internet--such as
       standalone word processors and proprietary information services--had
       far fewer technological offerings, and they stagnated and then failed
       as generative counterparts emerged.
       The joy of being able to be helpful to someone--to answer a question
       simply because it is asked and one knows a useful answer, to be part
       of a team driving toward a worthwhile goal--is one of the best
       aspects of being human, and our information technology architecture
       has stumbled into a zone where those qualities can be elicited and
       affirmed for tens of millions of people.
       Generative technologies need not produce forward progress, if by
       progress one means something like increasing social welfare.  Rather,
       they foment change.  ...  To use an evolutionary metaphor, they
       encourage mutations, branchings away from the status quo--some that
       are curious dead ends, others that spread like wildfire.   They
       invite disruption--along with the good things and bad things that can
       come with such disruption.
       The paradox of generativity is that with an openness to unanticipated
       change, we can end up in bad--and non-generative--waters.  
       # Chapter 5, Tethered Appliances, Software as Service, and Perfect
       # Enforcement
       The most likely reactions to PC and Internet failures brought on by
       the proliferation of bad code, if they are not forestalled, will be
       at least as unfortunate as the problems themselves
       A shift to tethered appliances and locked-down PCs will have a ripple
       effect on long-standing cyberlaw problems, many of which are
       tugs-of-war between individuals with a real or perceived injury from
       online activity and those who wish to operate as freely as possible
       in cyberspace.
       As legal systems experienced the first wave of suits arising from use
       of the Internet, scholars such as Lawrence Lessig and Joel Reidenberg
       emphasized that code could be law.  In this view, the software we use
       shapes and channels our online behavior as surely as--or even more
       surely and subtly than--law itself.   Restrictions can be enforced by
       the way a piece of software operates.  
       If regulators can induce certain alterations in the nature of
       Internet technologies that others could not undo or widely
       circumvent, then many of the regulatory limitations occasioned by the
       Internet would evaporate.  Lessig and others have worried greatly
       about such potential changes, fearing that blunderbuss technology
       regulation by overeager regulators will intrude on the creative
       freedom of technology makers and the civic freedoms of those who use
       the technology.
       Appliances become contingent: rented instead of owned, even if one
       pays up front for them, since they are subject to instantaneous
       The law as we have known it has had flexible borders.  This
       flexibility derives from prosecutorial and police discretion and from
       the artifice of the outlaw.   When code is law, however, execution is
       exquisite, and law can be self-enforcing.  The flexibility recedes.
       Mobile phones can be reprogrammed at a distance, allowing their
       microphones to be secretly turned on even when the phone is powered
       down.  All ambient noise and conversation can then be continuously
       picked up and relayed back to law enforcement authorities, regardless
       of whether the phone is being used for a call.
       When a regulator makes mistakes in the way it construes or applies a
       law, a stronger ability to compel compliance implies a stronger
       ability to compel compliance with all mandates, even those that are
       the results of mistaken interpretations.  Gaps in translation may
       also arise between a legal mandate and its technological
       manifestation.  This is especially true when technological design is
       used as a preemptive measure.
       Law professor Meir Dan-Cohen describes law as separately telling
       people how to behave and telling judges what penalties to impose
       should people break the law.  In more general terms, he has observed
       that law comprises both conduct rules and decision rules.  There is
       some disconnect between the two: people may know what the law
       requires without fully understanding the ramifications for breaking
       it.  This division--what he calls an "acoustic separation"--can be
       helpful: a law can threaten a tough penalty in order to ensure that
       people obey it, but then later show unadvertised mercy to those who
       break it.  If the mercy is not telegraphed ahead of time, people will
       be more likely to follow the law, while still benefiting from a
       lesser penalty if they break it and have an excuse to offer, such as
       Perfect enforcement collapses the public understanding of the law
       with its application, eliminating a useful interface between the
       law's terms and its application.
       Generative networks like the Internet can be partially controlled,
       and there is important work to be done to enumerate the ways in which
       governments try to censor the Net.  But the key move to watch is a
       sea change in control over the endpoint: lock down the device, and
       network censorship and control can be extraordinarily reinforced.
       # Chapter 6, The Lessons of Wikipedia
       The Dutch city of Drachten has undertaken an unusual experiment in
       traffic management.  The roads serving forty-five thousand people are
       "verkeersbordvrij": free of nearly all road signs.  Drachten is one
       of several European test sites for a traffic planning approach called
       "unsafe is safe."  The city has removed its traffic signs, parking
       meters, and even parking spaces.  The only rules are that drivers
       should yield to those on their right at an intersection, and that
       parked cars blocking others will be towed.
       The result so far is counterintuitive: a dramatic improvement in
       vehicular safety.  Without signs to obey mechanically (or, as studies
       have shown, disobey seventy percent of the time), people are forced
       to drive more mindfully--operating their cars with more care and
       attention to the surrounding circumstances.  They communicate more
       with pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers using hand signals
       and eye contact.  They see other drivers rather than other cars.
       A small lesson of the verkeersbordvrij experiment is that standards
       can work better than rules in unexpected contexts.  A larger lesson
       has to do with the traffic expert's claim about law and human
       behavior: the more we are regulated, the more we may choose to hew
       only and exactly to the regulation or, more precisely, to what we can
       get away with...  This observation is less about the difference
       between rules and standards than it is about the source of mandates:
       some may come from a process that a person views as alien, while
       others arise from a process in which the person takes an active part.
       More generally, order may remain when people see themselves as a part
       of a social system, a group of people--more than utter strangers but
       less than friends--with some overlap in outlook and goals.  Whatever
       counts as a satisfying explanation, we see that sometimes the absence
       of law has not resulted in the absence of order.
       # Part 3, Solutions
       This book has explained how the Internet's generative characteristics
       primed it for extraordinary success--and now position it for failure.
       The response to the failure will most likely be sterile tethered
       appliances and Web services that are contingently generative, if
       generative at all.  The trajectory is part of a larger pattern.  If
       we can understand the pattern and what drives it, we can try to avoid
       an end that eliminates most disruptive innovation while facilitating
       invasive and all-too-inexpensive control by regulators.
       So what to do to stop this future?  We need a strategy that blunts
       the worst aspects of today's popular generative Internet and PC
       without killing these platforms' openness to innovation.  Give users
       a reason to stick with the technology and the applications that have
       worked so surprisingly well--or at least reduce the pressures to
       abandon it--and we may halt the movement toward a nongenerative
       digital world.  This is easier said than done, because our familiar
       toolkits for handling problems are not particularly attuned to
       maintaining generativity.
       The key to threading the needle between needed change and undue
       closure can be forged from understanding the portability of both
       problems and solutions among the Internet's layers.  We have seen
       that generativity from one layer can recur to the next.  
       If generativity and its problems flow from one layer to another, so
       too can its
       ...two approaches that might save the generative spirit of the Net,
       or at least keep it alive for another interval.  The first is to
       reconfigure and strengthen the Net's experimentalist architecture to
       make it fit better with its now-mainstream home.  The second is to
       create and demonstrate the tools and practices by which relevant
       people and institutions can help secure the Net themselves instead of
       waiting for someone else to do it.
       # Conclusion
       Nicholas Negroponte, former director of the MIT Media Lab, announced
       the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project at the beginning of 2005.
       The project aims to give one hundred million hardy, portable
       computers to children in the developing world.  The laptops, called
       XOs, are priced around $100, and they are to be purchased by
       governments and given to children through their schools.
       Yet OLPC is about revolution rather than evolution, and it embodies
       both the promise and challenge of generativity.  The project's
       intellectual pedigree and structure reveal an enterprise of
       breathtaking theoretical and logistical ambition.
       But the XO completely redesigns today's user interfaces from the
       ground up.  Current PC users who encounter an XO have a lot to
       XO is but the most prominent and well-funded of a series of
       enterprises to attempt to bridge the digital divide.
       [But... I read that OLPC was designed by first world elite
       intellectuals without significant participation from the people to
       whose governments it was marketed.  I also read that it is marketing
       a technology solution that is looking for problems, when there are
       plenty of more pressing real world problems to be addressed.  In
       other words, it was part of the tech bubble glamor.
       > OLPC's failure can be attributed to its lack of understanding of
       > local communities and their day-to-day lives.
 (HTM) The Failure of OLPC
       author: Zittrain, Jonathan (Jonathan L.), 1969-
 (TXT) detail: gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/The_Future_of_the_Internet_and_How_to_Stop_It
       LOC:    I57 Z53
 (HTM) source: https://blogs.harvard.edu/futureoftheinternet/download/
       tags:   ebook,history,non-fiction,technical
       title:  The Future Of The Internet and How to Stop It
       # Tags
 (DIR) ebook
 (DIR) history
 (DIR) non-fiction
 (DIR) technical