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       # 2022-12-30 - This Island Earth by Raymond F. Jones
 (IMG) This Island Earth
       During one conversation, i was asked how i would pass my time if i
       were to find myself living back in 1952.  The first thoughts that
       came to mind were the public library and exploring wilderness areas
       that no longer exist.  I searched for books published in 1952 and
       found This Island Earth.  It was published earlier as a series in a
       science fiction magazine, and that series can be read for free on
       archive.org.  It is a quick read and i enjoyed it.
       Like Atlas Shrugged, this book involves a secret society of
       intellectuals who drop out in protest against the mainstream
       application of their talents.
       Like The Last Starfighter, the characters are caught up in an
       intergalactic conflict of staggering scope.
       The protagonists of This Island Earth are exceptional people.  However,
       their excellence is not so grandiose as in Atlas Shrugged or The Last
       Starfighter.  The fate of humanity, the galaxy, and the universe does
       not hinge on a single human hero or group of heroes.  The protagonists
       are free from compulsion; free to follow their own moral imperatives.
       author: Jones, Raymond F., 1915-1994
 (TXT) detail: gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/This_Island_Earth_(novel)
       LOC:    PZ4.J79 Th PS3560.O524772
 (HTM) source: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v34n02_1949-06/page/n73/mode/2up?view=theater
 (HTM) source2: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v35n02_1949-12/page/n63/mode/2up?view=theater
 (HTM) source3: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v35n03_1950-02/page/n91/mode/2up?view=theater
       tags:   ebook,fiction,sci-fi
       title:  This Island Earth
       # Tags
 (DIR) ebook
 (DIR) fiction
 (DIR) sci-fi