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       # 2023-02-01 - August Recollection by Ben Collver
 (IMG) Secret Hideaway by Vanconickx
       It was during the hot summer days of August.  I had retreated to a
       creek bed.  It was a separate world, separated by a dense leaf
       foliage and a canopy of deciduous trees.  The creek made soothing,
       gurgling noises where the shallow water ran over rocks.  Sometimes I
       would take a nap in one of the deeper pools.
       One of these pools had a sort of waterfall falling into it.  The fall
       was wide and short enough to climb up.  I would jump off of the top
       of the fall into the pool.  It wasn't deep enough to dive into, but
       with its sandy bottom, it was quite safe to jump in.  I wouldn't
       always come alone to this place.
       Another thing I remember is the berries.  The ones by the creek
       always seemed fatter and juicier.  There was also a cherry tree, but
       it bore tart pie cherries that were long-gone by August.  There was a
       cool boulder not far from this tree.  i remember it with and without
       moss.  Anyway, there was a place on this boulder perfectly shaped to
       fit the human back.  This was another of my favorite sleeping places.
       I remember how in some places, the sun would filter through the trees
       and send rays in to the water.  I remember the buzz of the cicadas
       outside in the heat.  The place seemed sensual, almost magical to my
       young eyes.  I didn't think this, it was just the way things were. 
       Like the fact that the water-skippers could walk on water and I
       Lastly, I remember working my way back up the bank, not noticing
       where my world ended and the summer returned.  The heat was what I
       would usually call sweltering.  But having come out of my shady, cool
       comfort, the heat was pleasant.  I enjoyed my walk as I soaked in the
       sun's energy.  It almost never failed that when I was wet, an arid
       breeze would blow against me, drying me.
       I would walk barefoot through parched grass, and hop from one
       river-worn boulder to another.  We were all selfish back then, in our
       naturally childish way.  But we were not demanding.  Our spheres of
       self-centeredness were still too small to collide.  We were content. 
       I am content again as another August draws nearer.  This world seems
       wonderful, but the Augusts will become like days [passing by all too
       quickly].  I look forward to the next world where time has no
       meaning.  When the true meaning of splendor is revealed.  Until then
       I am content with just an August recollection.
       Apparently i wrote this in 1993 and then forgot about it.  Later my
       sister gave it back to me.  It is nice to think about all the
       pleasant times i must have forgotten, and how interesting it would be
       to have a time machine to explore, even if only the period of my own
       If i recall correctly, this writing is not actually about a single
       place, but an amalgam of multiple places along the Rogue River.  I
       have had to come to terms with the fact that some of these places no
       longer have public access.
       The other day i visited a section of this creek and even in the
       middle of winter it is as beautiful and peaceful as ever.  I walked
       down a steep bank.  An enormous maple root formed a perfect bench to
       sit on.  I sat there for between a quarter to a third of an hour,
       just soaking it all in: the sounds, the sunshine on the water, the
       signs of past activities both wild and human.
       What's bizarre to me is that these beautiful areas can remain hidden
       and for the most part unappreciated, sometimes right in the middle of
       town.  This flowing water is more real than the social realities we
       condition and construct, and it has been faithfully flowing for
       millennia.  These secret hideaways of the Earth and the secret
       recesses of my heart are good places to live and die in.
       tags: bencollver,outdoor
       # Tags
 (DIR) bencollver
 (DIR) outdoor